COVID-19 Related Occupational Health Queries

Last updated on 20/01/2021

If your query is in relation to Fitness to work relating to recent exposure or diagnosis of Covid 19, you may find the following link useful: 

Also below 

If you have tested positive for Covid 19:

Please self-isolate and contact

If you consider that you may be have been exposed to Covid 19 in the workplace:

Email your details and the workplace positive case Please inform your line manager.

If you have Covid 19 symptoms AND you have been already categorized as Close or Casual contact in the workplace by contact tracing team:

Please stay out of work. Email Please inform your line manager.

If you are required to be swabbed as part of ‘Mass swabbing/Point Prevalence’ as part of a declared outbreak:

Please contact your line manager for advice.

If your query is in relation to fitness for work due to underlying medical condition and Covid 19 restrictions:

Please contact your line manager to submit a management referral to occupational health.

If your query is regarding checking of covid-19 test results:  

You will receive a text message when your results are available.

If you are returning from travel abroad:

Please follow the current advice of Public Health and contact your line manager