Leave forms Memo for Line Managers

Written on 11/08/2021
Katrina Quinlan

Dear Colleagues,

Please ensure that when a staff member indicates their intention to leave the organisation that relevant documentation is completed as priority and returned to ULHGEmployeeRelations@hse.ie for processing. Failure to do so is resulting in delays in processing and over payments to our staff. Table 1 below highlights the main type of leave forms:

Table 1


Career Break Form


Resignation Form


Retirement Form

HR 108c

Carers leave Form

HR 108

Maternity leave Form


A full list of HSE Leave Forms can be found here: https://healthservice.hse.ie/staff/benefits-services/benefits/hr-forms.html

I would like to emphasise the importance of ensuring that all Line Managers review, sign and confirm completion of forms prior to issuing to HR for processing. 

Prime examples of details omitted on forms are:

  • bank details
  • pension start date i.e. the day after leaving date as indicated on HR106
  • declaration pages not signed


If you have any queries or require further clarity, please contact Ms Niamh Power, Mr Diarmuid Keane or Ms Emily Bennett in the Employee Relations office at ULHGEmployeeRelations@hse.ie or call 061-588416

Please see 8 step process below regarding what to do when a staff member informs you of their intention to leave ULHG:

What to do when leaving the organisation? 


  1. Staff Member indicates their intention to leave the organisation to Line Manager
  2. Line Manager provides Staff Member with appropriate Leave Form at the earliest opportunity ( This should not exceed 5 working days)

Most notable HSE Leave Forms are as below

  1. Staff Member completes Leave Form as appropriate and sends to Line Manager in a timely manner
  2. Line Manager reviews the content of the Leave Form to ensure all sections have been completed correctly
  3. Line Manager signs the Leave Form
  4. Line Manager forwards the Leave Form to HR for processing as a priority to expedite the process and to avoid over or under payments to Staff Member

Contact details for HR are as below:

  1. HR processes the Leave Form and submits all relevant documentation to the payroll/pensions department
  2. HR advises Line Manager of date that correspondence was issued to payroll/pensions department