Position Re-Advertised: General Manager, Office of REO Midwest, HSE Mid-West

Written on 28/05/2024
Katrina Quinlan

Line Managers must bring this notice to the attention of all relevant staff within their Department, including staff on any type of leave.


The Office of the Regional Executive Officer, HSE Mid-West is currently inviting applications for the following position:


General Manager, Office of REO Midwest (Re-Advertisement)


This campaign has been sanctioned as a confined competition within the HSE. Applications are invited from HSE staff in the Centre, National Services and in Health Regions who are currently employed as a General Manager (Grade Code 0041) or higher and meet the specific eligibility criteria and post-specific requirements for the role.


The successful candidate will transfer on existing terms and conditions (i.e. permanent or specific purpose contractual status). Remuneration will be at the level of General Manager.


The post will be based in 31/33 Catherine Street, Limerick.


Closing Date: Friday 7th June 2024 at 12 noon (late applications will not be accepted)


Informal Enquiries: Ms Janette Dwyer, janette.dwyer@hse.ie 0876234762


How to apply: Interested candidates should apply by way of completed application form submitted via Rezoomo. Please see below link to HSE Advert, Job Specification, Application Form and Rezoomo link:




Please note, applications submitted via email or CV submissions will not be accepted.