Dear Colleagues
The Job Evaluation National Scheme is a systematic process for assessing whether a particular post’s grade is properly matched to its associated duties and responsibility i.e. that the post is correctly graded.
The assessment focuses on the post rather than the post holder and as such does not assess the capabilities of the person performing the duties. In essence, in submitting an application, all details included should relate to the post in question and not the occupant. For example, any required educational qualifications should be specific to the post/grade and not that of the post holder.
The agreement covers clerical and administrative grades III to VI, and related grades. To apply, a post holder must have been in the post for two years.
Please note that on receipt of a Job Evaluation request, it is important that you ensure that your staff member has read and understood the information on the scheme and that the form is completed fully. In addition, the accuracy of the contents of the application form should be validated and approved by you as the Line Manager in the first instance before any onward circulation to the HR Department.
To assist you with the process the following documentation is available which will enable you to deal with any Job Evaluation queries which may arise within your own Directorate.
- UL Hospitals Group Job Evaluation Process Overview ( attached)
- Job Evaluation Process Flow ( available from your Line Manager)
- Job Evaluation Application Form ( available from your Line Manager)
- National Director Sign Off Sheet (available from your Line Manager)
- Memo from Board of Directors, Evaluation Scheme dated 12th May 2021( available from your Line Manager)
Please cascade as appropriate within your directorate.
Kind regards,
Lorraine Rafter
Director of HR ULHG