
#91 The HSE's Digital Future

The way we experience healthcare is changing, and technology is at the heart of this transformation. In this episode of the HSE Talking Health and Wellbeing Podcast, we explore the impact of digital transformation on Ireland’s healthcare system. Host Noreen Turley speaks with Damien McCallion, Deputy HSE CEO and Chief Technology and Transformation Officer, about how technology is starting to revolutionise patient care, enhancing efficiency, and shaping the future of healthcare. From electronic health records to virtual care and AI-driven innovations, Damien shares insights into how the HSE’s Digital for Care strategic implementation roadmap is shaping a more connected, efficient, and patient-centred healthcare system. This Roadmap is aligned to the Digital for Care – A Digital Health Framework for Ireland 2024 – 2030.

Listeners will learn how digital health solutions will improve patient safety, streamline workflows, and support healthcare professionals by reducing repetitive tasks. Tune in to discover how technology is reshaping the HSE and what it means for patients, staff, and the healthcare system as a whole. For more information visit https://about.hse.ie/our-work/digital-for-care-2030/

To get in touch with the podcast email Healthandwellbeing.communication@hse.ie

Produced by GKMedia.ie