Health and Wellbeing National Update: 12/09/2024

Last updated on 11/09/2024

Department of Health announces plans for restrictions on disposable vapes in Ireland

The Department of Health anncouned its plans to introduce restrictions on nicotine inhaling products, including a ban on single-use and disposable vapes.

Minister for Health, Stephen Donnelly, welcomed the approval from Government to draft legislation introducing further restrictions on nicotine inhaling products or vapes. The proposed legislation is aimed at reducing the appeal and accessibility of these products, particularly among young people. 

Further information is available on this issue from the Institute of Public Health here

Sustainable Development Goals Week 2024

Ireland’s third Sustainable Development Goals (SDG) Week is taking place this year from 20 – 29 September. SDG Week forms part of the wider European Sustainable Development Week (ESDW) which this year, will run from 18 September – 8 October. Last year, ESDW saw over 5000 events taking place across 28 countries, with almost 200 events held across Ireland. Please find attached an SDG Week flyer, outlining how to participate, which we would ask you to circulate amongst your contacts.


For more information on sustainable development, SDG week and ideas for taking part, please go to: Queries can be sent to

NCSCT face-to-face training for new Stop Smoking Advisors

The next face-to-face NCSCT Training has been scheduled to take place on Tuesday 1 October and Wednesday 2 October 2024 in the Sheraton Hotel Athlone. Anyone wishing to attend this and who have not yet applied to attend, please complete the NCSCT Application form and return to as soon as possible.

For more information on the training, please refer to the induction document for stop smoking advisors.

QuitManager Users Webinar

Save the Date: The TFI Programme will host a webinar for QuitManager Users on Wednesday 16 October at 10am. Agenda & registration details to follow.