Steps to Health Challenge - Register Now

Last updated on 21/04/2021

The steps challenge is a five week walking challenge that supports staff to walk more. The aim is to get you walking and counting your steps daily.

Steps can be accumulated in many ways. Take the stairs instead of the lift. Walk during your break and after work. 

Most of us walk between 3,000 to 5,000 steps a day. We challenge you to make up the extra steps so that you reach the goal of 10,000, which is the recommended number of steps for health benefits.

It might take longer for those who are inactive at present. You can break up the steps into ten minute walks at a time and still get the health benefits. 

Steps to Health is for everyone, regardless of your fitness or ability levels. Aim to increase your step count on a daily basis. Remember, every step counts!

Don’t miss out!  Join the fun while looking after your mental and physical well being.

Go to HSE website for more information: