Safe Cycling (Road Safety Authority)

Last updated on 17/02/2023

Cycling is a wonderful, healthy pastime and a great mode of transport for school, college or work.  But as a cyclist, you’re a very vulnerable road user. So, it’s vital that you practice good road safety and take personal responsibility for keeping yourself, pedestrians and other road users safe on our roads. When cycling, always make sure you give other road users the best chance of seeing you. Wear high visibility clothing and keep your bicycle lights in good working order. You should also signal in plenty of time to allow others to react to your movements. Don't ever ride or attempt to ride a bicycle while under the influence of alcohol or drugs.

Watch the videos below, brought to you by the road safety authority, to learn more about cycling safely. 

You can find out more information about cycling safely here.

Equipment Check


Rules of the Road

Cycling Safely