Health and Wellbeing National Update: 28/11/2024

Last updated on 03/12/2024

European Awareness Week on Alcohol-Related Harm

As part of European Awareness Week on Alcohol-Related Harm (AWARH), the HSE Alcohol Programme is emphasising the vital role parents play in shaping young people’s attitudes and decisions about alcohol. Research shows that delaying the age at which young people start drinking significantly benefits their long-term health and wellbeing. This is a critical message, not just for AWARH but for ongoing awareness efforts.

To support this message during AWARH and beyond, the Alcohol Programme has prepared a toolkit to help amplify this message across your health regions, which is available to download here.

Healthy Campus Self Evaluation Tool Launched


The HEA are delighted to launch the Healthy Campus Self-Evaluation Tool. This tool will support institutions to self-assess their work in relation to student and staff health and wellbeing and highlight areas for improvement. The Tool was developed by a project team led by Professor Catherine Darker and colleagues from Trinity College Dublin in collaboration with colleagues from University College Cork, University of Limerick, Munster Technological University as well as international experts from the UK, Belgium and Canada.

Making Every Contact Count gains International Recognition

Dr Maria ‘Brien, Service Improvement Lead, Integrated Care Programme for Chronic Disease, (former PM for MECC Programme) presented at the International Foundation for Integrated Care (IFIC) Canada, and won the ‘Best Paper Award for The North American Conference on Integrated Care 2024’ for her paper on 'Integrating Chronic disease prevention at scale - The Irish journey to Making Every Contact Count'.

This is a remarkable achievement brings international recognition for the Making Every Contact Count Programme and the work done to date. The paper highlighted the journey of MECC to date, and the steps taken to embed chronic disease prevention within routine care in Ireland.

Available here

Delivering Sláintecare Healthy Communities Webinar

The HSE, in conjunction with the Department of Health and Local Authorities will host a webinar on Thursday 5 December, from 11:45am – 1pm. This webinar will be an opportunity to hear about the wide range of work which aims to improve the long-term health and wellbeing of people living within communities across Ireland, where health inequalities are most evident.


Speakers will include staff from the HSE, community organisations and local authorities working on the Sláintecare Healthy Communities Programme, who will be sharing their experiences Please share with your local networks and encourage them to register for this event.


Register here

Upcoming SAFER Webinars - Alcohol Forum Ireland

The Alcohol Forum in Ireland have a series of upcoming webinars that will be of interest to all those who are part of our Building SAFER Communities steering groups across Ireland, and also to anyone who is interested in learning about alcohol harm and how we can work together to reduce and prevent it. Register using the links below:  


S Monday 2 Dec at 10.30am - Strengthen restrictions on alcohol availability


A Thursday 5 Dec at 10am - Advance and enforce drink driving countermeasures


F Tuesday 10 Dec at 10am - Facilitate access to screening, brief interventions, and treatment 


E Thursday 12 Dec at 3pm - Enforce bans or comprehensive restrictions on alcohol advertising, sponsorship & promotion 


R Tuesday 17 December at 10am - Raise prices on alcohol through excise taxes and pricing policies