Health and Wellbeing National Update: 18/07/2024

Last updated on 18/07/2024

We are delighted to share this update with you that phase 3 of the redevelopment of has been successfully deployed this week with significant updates to the Product Listing Page (PLP) and Product Details Pages (PDP), marking a significant milestone for the overall project.  After extensive technical and user acceptance testing, the website now displays a product image for each resource along with improvements to user flow, account security, and content design. This brings us nearer the finished front and back-end redevelopment. 

Phase 4 will include a new website landing page and improved back-end functionality and is set for completion in late Q3.

Sun Exposure and Cancer Risk in Irish Outdoor Workers - journal paper

University of Galway examined sun exposure and cancer risk in farmers and construction workers, the results have just been published in Occupational Medicine. 

Click here for access to the paper, which may be of interes

Making Every Contact Count Update

The Making Every Contact Count (MECC) e-Learning training programme certification has been modified. The eLearning now takes a total time of 3 hours (reduced from 4 hours) covering the six core modules;


·         2 x  Health Behaviour Change; ‘Introduction to Behaviour Change’ and ‘Skills into Practice’

·         4 x Topic Modules on ‘Tobacco’, ‘Alcohol & Drugs’, ‘Healthy Eating’ and ‘Physical Activity’.


The two new modules on ‘Overweight & Obesity’ and ‘Mental Health & Wellbeing’ are available on completion of the core modules. Completion of the additional modules is encouraged and will now provide additional certification.


Further information can be found here.