Rediroom is a new system implemented in the MAU (Medical Assessment Unit) UHL to ensure instant isolation for patients under contact and droplet precautions.
It is designed to protect both patient flow and patients dealing with infection prevention and control (IP&C) issues.
The Rediroom system provides a streamlined process for isolating patients, allowing for quick and efficient response to potential infectious cases.
Making Every Contact Count (MECC) Staff Training
The MECC training programme equips staff for brief, positive conversations with patients about healthy behaviours to prevent chronic disease. Staff can start the training by completing six 30-minute modules on HSELand, covering behaviour change, tobacco-free living, alcohol/drug use, healthy eating and active living.
After completing the HSELand modules, book one of the below in-person workshops to enhance intervention skills and gain confidence in challenging conversations.
DATE | Time | Location |
Tues 12th March | 9.30am – 1pm | Health & Wellbeing Centre, UHL |
Wed 22nd May | 9.30am – 1pm | Ennis Hospital |
Wed 23rd Oct | 9.30am – 1pm | Health & Wellbeing Centre, UHL |
Contact: for more info or to book.
Resuscitation of Nursing 9s
Nursing 9s is an opportunity to present topics of interest to nursing colleagues, practice presentation skills and learn about new nursing initiatives within ULHG.
Nursing 9s allows for an open discussion forum for all nurses within the hospital group to present on topics in which they have an interest. Each presentation is 9 minutes and uses 9 slides.
It’s a great opportunity to practice & polish presentation skills in a safe, relaxed area amongst peers. Supported by ALERT.
For further information, contact ALERT Co-ordinator
Stop Smoking Support
Attention all staff considering quitting smoking in 2024! You can avail of our FREE specialist stop smoking service.
This service offers a range of benefits including :
NCHD Conference
The 2024 NCHD Conference will be held on Thursday 16th May 2024 in the Clinical Education & Research Centre in University Hospital Limerick.
All NCHDs are invited to submit Research, Audit & Quality Improvement abstracts from their training year 2023/2024.
For queries contact
Nursing Students Clinical Placement
An induction day was facilitated by NPDU (Nursing Practice Development Unit) for the first year BSc Nursing (General) Students (2023). With 97 students, it is the largest intake of nursing students to commence clinical placement in the UL Hospitals Group. We extend a warm welcome and wish the best of luck to all the students embarking on their first clinical placement.
Top-up your protection
There is still time to Top-up your immunity with Flu and Covid Booster Vaccinations. Find a clinic that suits you on ULHG Staff app or in PULSE. See below most recent uptake figures.
New Nursing Balanced Score Card
In December UL Hospitals Group Nursing and Midwifery teams launched a digital balanced scorecard platform software tool.
Pictured: Nursing & Midwifery Professional Council and Ingenium team who helped develop the platform.
This platform is the first within the HSE nationally. The benefits this will bring to our patients and staff include:
- Floor to the board reporting
- Platform for Nursing Metrics
- Close monitoring of areas of concern and resulting QIP
- Acknowledgement of areas of good practice
- Ownership at ward/unit level on ward/unit management
“I am so delighted after two years of work of the Professional Council together with the support from Ingenium to launch this digital tool. The balance scorecard will support and drive our Quality Care Metrics and furthermore support our Quality Framework 2023.” Declan McNamara, Chief Director of Nursing & Midwifery
Healthcare Records Library Move
The Healthcare Records Library has relocated from UHL to Houston Hall, concluding years of planning and hard work. This modern office space is designed for enhanced efficiency and convenience. Automated shelving units have revolutionized record storage and retrieval, resulting in faster access and improved organization.
New Healthcare Records Library
Old Healthcare Records Library
The new library offers increased storage capacity and computerized cataloguing for streamlined record access. This move signifies significant improvements over the previous location, addressing limitations such as restricted access, limited capacity, and poor tracking practices. Well done to all involved.
Internet Explorer No longer Available
From today Microsoft Internet Explorer web browser will be removed from all computers in the HSE.
If you have been using Internet Explorer, it will automatically switch to Microsoft Edge as the default browser.
The HSE has worked to ensure that web-based applications will be compatible with other supported browsers like Microsoft Edge and Google Chrome.
In most cases, this change should happen automatically without any issues. However, if you do encounter difficulties there is a guide available on iHub to manually help you adjust the necessary settings.
If you experience any problems using Microsoft Edge for work, report it to eHealth & Disruptive Technologies through the National Service Desk at 0818 300 300 or via the Self-Service Portal.
Winter campaign: Injury Units
As part of our winter communications campaign, we continue to promote our Injury Units in St. John’s, Nenagh and Ennis Hospitals.
Since October, we have used a variety of promotional channels at different intervals, including social media, local radio advertising, online search, flyer door drop and digital advertising in shopping centres. See below a selection of promotional material used on these channels.
HSE Area Finder
The HSE has launched a new online tool called HSE Area Finder to support healthcare professionals in providing better patient care.
This innovative tool streamlines communication between community and hospital systems by offering a point of contact for primary care and community services.
HSE Area Finder allows users to find contact information for Community Healthcare Networks, as well as services for older people, chronic disease management, and children with disabilities.
The tool offers features such as location matching, map view, and point of contact details. The HSE Area Finder is accessible for free at