Connected Newsletter No.71

Written on 28/11/2023
Katrina Quinlan

New IMEWS booklet

The launch of the new IMEWS booklet for the non-maternity sites will take place on December 4th between 11.00-14.00 in the OPD corridor UHL.

IMEWS is one of four early warning systems used across ULHG to monitor patients and keep them safe. IMEWS is an aid to clinical judgement and decision-making. It should be used to monitor and observe the vital signs of all women and female paediatric patients with a confirmed pregnancy and up to 42 days of the postnatal period irrespective of age or reason for presentation to hospital. Exclusions are Theatre Recovery and Critical Care settings.

An IMEWS patient cared for outside of a maternity setting should be considered high risk patients. The IMEWS cannot replace the clinical judgement of the health professional. 

Frequency that subsequent observations should be recorded is determined by the results of the initial observations, and the presenting clinical condition

and is decided by the admitting team as clinically required.  This must be documented in the patient’s healthcare record and communicated in the nursing notes. If concerned, care should be escalated regardless of triggers. 

Please note that IMEWS eLearning is also available on and a copy of the National Clinical Guideline No.4 – IMEWS can be accessed on QPulse. 


cANP Injury Unit, Nenagh Hospital

Linda Ryan, recently commenced a Candidate Advanced Nurse Practitioner role in the Injury Unit in Nenagh Hospital. Linda has almost 20 years nursing experience in an Emergency Department, Injury Unit and in GP practice nursing. She  completed a Bachelor of Science in Nursing in 2006 and a Post Graduate Higher Diploma in Emergency Nursing in 2008. Linda recently completed the Nurse Prescribing Certificate as part of the 2 year Masters of Science in Advanced Practice. This new journey in  Linda’s nursing career will enable her to work independently and provide patients with high quality, safe care within her scope of practice. The Injury Unit in Nenagh treats adult and paediatric patients over five years of age, with a variety of non-life threatening minor injuries. Together with the RANPs, Linda will manage a patient caseload while gaining the necessary knowledge, abilities and skills to do this safely during her training, while continuing her professional development and academic studies.



As a candidate Advanced Nurse Practitioner, Linda will be working as part of a multidisciplinary team involving physiotherapists, occupational therapists and the radiology department. Clinical governance and supervision is provided by the RANPs, Registrars and Emergency Consultants.

Linda recently stated “I am thoroughly enjoying my learning journey to date working alongside experienced Advance Nurse Practitioners"