Connected Newsletter No. 70

Written on 14/11/2023
Katrina Quinlan

Resuscitation of Nursing 9s!

An opportunity to present topics of interest to Nursing colleagues, practice presentation skills and learn about new Nursing initiatives within ULHG.

 What is “Nursing 9s”?

• It  is an open discussion forum for any nurse from any area of the

       hospital group to present on topics in which they have an interest.

•9 minute presentation on a topic using 9 slides only.
•Supported by ALERT

Date : Wednesday 29th November

Time: 1 –1.30pm (lunch provided at 12.50pm)

Where: CERC UHL Tutorial Room 1 & 2


This is a great opportunity to practice and polish presentation skills in a safe, relaxed environment amongst peers.

For further information please contact Dr Carrie Garavan ALERT Co-ordinator





Deteriorating Patient – Good Catch Badge

A new Deteriorating Patient Committee patient safety initiative has been launched across ULHG called the “Deteriorating patient - Good Catch” badge initiative.  Early recognition of clinical deterioration, followed by prompt and effective action, can minimise the occurrence of adverse events such as cardiac arrest and may result in a lower level of intervention to stabilise a patient.

The aim is to recognise and acknowledge a healthcare worker who had a “good catch” and resulting in a good patient outcome. The HCW is acknowledged and celebrated by the awarding of a deteriorating patient “Good Catch” badge and their story is shared with other HCWs. This can provide an opportunity for shared learning.

The healthcare worker and the “good catch” episode can be identified through an early warning system audit, word of mouth or be nomination by a colleague or line manager.

This patient safety initiative is underpinned by positive reinforcement which can be a powerful and effective method to change behaviour and influence culture.  It supports and encourages good practice behaviours around the early recognition and early escalation of the deteriorating patient so as to enhance good patient outcomes by using a positive reinforcement strategy.

The first recipient to receive the award on the UHL site, presented by the CDONM, was Mags Hickey CNM 1, POCU whose excellent leadership facilitates early recognition and early escalation of deteriorating patients.



Do you know someone who had a “good catch” with a deteriorating patient? It can be any member of staff who works in the UL Hospitals Group. Please contact with your nominations.

Thank you to QPS who kindly funded the badges.