Connected Newsletter No.67

Written on 04/10/2023
Katrina Quinlan

1st prize winner at Irish Association of Critical Care Nursing

Megan Maher, Staff Nurse High Dependency Unit,  presented her dissertation project “Factors influencing Speaking Up Behaviours in High Dependency” at the IACCN ( Irish Association of Critical Care Nursing) and won first prize.

The research was completed as part of a Masters of Science in Human Factors in Patient Safety completed through RCSI.  This is a thought provoking project discussing advocating for your patient and ensuring that the patients’ views are heard within the multi disciplinary team. 


“It is recognised that it is a nurses responsibility both legally and ethically to advocate for their patients. When a risk or event emerges that puts a patients safety at risk it must not only be recognised but acted upon appropriately. Nurses within HDU work and care for critically ill patients within a complex and multi professional area of healthcare where one small error could result in serious patient harm”.

“The objective of the research was to identify the factors that influence speaking up behaviour in HDU. A qualitative deductive content analysis was used after interviewing nurses in HDU. The results of the study demonstrated that factors influencing nurses speaking up fit into the pre existing Model of Healthcare Professionals Speaking Up (Okuyama et al, 2014).  Speaking up for patient safety within HDU occurs within a power hierarchy, with critically ill and vulnerable patients that nurses advocate for”

Although centred in HDU this could transcribe to all areas within the acute setting. 



Staff Flu and Covid Booster Clinics

Healthcare worker vaccination clinics will commence on all sites this week. Keep up to date on your vaccines to protect yourself, your family and our patients’. Staff can avail of their Flu and Covid booster vaccines at the same clinics.

Book your aappointment by scanning the QR code or clicking the link here or you can walk-in.

This weeks clinics:

•Tues 3rd Oct: UMHL from 10.30am-12.30pm
•Wed 4th Oct: UHL from 2pm-6pm
•Thurs 5th Oct: St Johns Hospital from 8am-11am
•Fri 6th Oct: Ennis Hospital from 9.30am-2pm

*UL Hospitals Group staff can also attend any Mid West Community Healthcare clinic to get their vaccinations.

There is a weekly draw for all staff who have received a vaccine with great prizes.