TeamTalk 24th June 2024

Written on 25/06/2024

Acute Virtual Wards (AVW)

Staff training for the upcoming opening of our Acute Virtual Ward (AVW) took place last week. This innovative programme, part of a national HSE initiative, will provide medical care and treatment to patients in the comfort of their own homes using advanced technology.

UHL and St Vincent’s Hospital Dublin are the pilot sites for this ground-breaking programme. With plans to open the AVW with 10 patients initially and scaling up to 25 patients in 2025.

Our staff will be working in two confirmed pathways for the AVW pilot – Cardiology and Respiratory.

Some of the staff who trained recently to work on the new Acute Virtual Ward UHL

Listening Responding and Improving: National End of Life Survey Findings 

Ennis Hospital's End of Life Committee have implemented a 'Comforting Words Library' to offer information and guidance on dying, death, and bereavement.

Thanks to the guidance of Rebecca Lloyd and the support of the Hospice Friendly Hospitals(HFH) .

They have received a 'Design and Dignity' Hospice Friendly Quality Award for their efforts.

The beautiful 'tree of life' bookcase, constructed by Tom Coughlan and the hospital's maintenance team, serves as a symbolic and practical resource for patients and their families.

In addition, the committee has established a 'bereavement hub' in the Oak Room (soon to be in the Dalcassian Suite) to provide information and support for practical concerns during end-of-life care. It is truly a testament to the dedication and compassion of the staff at Ennis Hospital.

The donation of a sign from Kelleher Signs and a bursary of books from the HFH have made this project possible.

Ennis Healthy Harmonies Choir 

The HSE Healthy Harmonies Choir Ennis Hospital entertained the participants at the Relay for Life Clare on Saturday 15 June in Ennis.

The funds raised at this event go towards supporting services for people living with cancer through the Irish Cancer Society.

The choir are on summer break now and will be getting back together every Tuesday from September.  All staff are welcome to join.

World Elder Abuse Awareness Day 

World Elder Abuse Awareness Day on June 15 is a United Nations initiative to raise awareness of abuse and neglect of the Elderly, a hidden public health issue.

It is vital to educate people on how to report concerns and prevent elder abuse.

The Assisted Decision Making & Safeguarding Team set up an information stand in UHL to mark the day. This received great engagement, with many staff wearing the purple ribbon to show their support.

If you have a concern for yourself or an older person and need more information/support please visit Safeguarding Vulnerable Adults - or contact the ADM team on

Pictured are Eimear Kennedy, Principal Social Worker, Adult Safeguarding and Karen Farrell, Principal Social Worker, Assisted Decision Making at the stand in UHL.

Major Emergency Plan

The Outpatients Department held an EMERGO type exercise (which is a simulation system used for education and training in emergency and disaster management) on Thursday 23 May in UHL. Thanks to all for contributing and participating in the exercise.

In total there were 29 attendees, which included a Consultant Surgeon, OPD Nursing and HCA Staff, ED Consultant and Clinical Skills Facilitator, Major Emergency Plan Lead and the Regional Emergency Management Officer from Emergency Management West.

Health Service Excellence Awards 2024

Applications are now open for the 2023 Health Service Excellence Awards.

Closing date for applications is midnight Thursday 18th July 2024.

These awards are an opportunity to showcase and celebrate examples of the great work that happens every day across our health service. The awards also promote shared learning for other teams through our awards success stories.

The awards are open to all staff working in the public health system. There are five categories and a winner will be chosen from each category.

  1. Improving patient experience
  2. Innovation in service delivery
  3. Excellence in quality and patient safety
  4. Using a digital solution to provide a better service
  5. Right Care Right Place Right Time - Sláintecare integration

Total Injury Unit Presentations

Total Injury Unit attendances for the first five months of 2023 v 2024.

There was an increase of 6.61% in the total Injury Unit attendances across ULHG in 2024 when compared to the same period in 2024.

Clinical Audit Conference Winners

The ULHG Clinical Audit Conference, showcased staff audits and promoted sustainable change through improvement. The winning teams are pictured below. Well done to all.

Request for Volunteers

Great Minds Don’t Think Alike

An initiative to prepare preceptors to support neurodiverse nursing students on clinical placement.

Are you a nurse that thinks differently/learns differently/ neurodivergent? You are invited to share your experiences to help others.

A recent survey of preceptors in UL Hospitals Group identified significant knowledge gaps regarding awareness of neurodiversity and how best to support students.

A series of four x 3 min professional videos is being developed to address this need. All content approved by all participants pre-release.

Contact Ger Crilly 0871881708  or Pauline Chapman 087 1881204

Care Aware Crew Programme Funding 

The Health Sciences Academy have secured €88,000 to scale the Care Aware Crew programme across all primary schools in the Mid West region in 2025. In addition, a website will be developed to make the programme accessible to all primary schools nationally.

The Care Aware Crew aims to build leadership and health promotion skills among 3rd class pupils.  It was created and developed with clinical staff from ULHG, MWCH, UL and Limerick & Clare Education & Training Board.

Click here for more information.

Funding approved for:

  • Website development
  • New student video lessons
  • End of programme rewards
  • Bespoke student workbooks
  • First aid supplies 

MRCPI Clinical Exams in Medicine

MRCPI (Membership Royal College of Physicians Ireland) exams in Medicine took place on Friday 14 June in the CERC building, convened by Dr Hilary O’Leary.

20 NCHDs attended exams and they rotated though seven clinical stations. Thank you to all examiners, nurses, invigilators, patients, actors, and RCPI staff for collaborative efforts on the day. More information RCPI


Some of the examiners on the day: From left Dr Hilary O’Leary, Dr David Clinch, Dr Syed Tariq, Dr Peter Boers, Dr Yacoob Yaseen, Dr Syed Abbas, Dr Anne Marie Hannon, Dr Antoinette Tuthill, Dr Cornelius Cronin

Health Regions Webinar Series

The Health Regions Programme Team is planning a series of webinars.  These webinars will provide an update on the implementation of health regions.

The first webinar in the series is on Thursday 27 June from 2 to 3 pm. It will focus on:

•Implementation of the health regions
•Population-based planning
•Regional health profiles
•Health Atlas

Register here for the health regions webinar with a focus on population-based planning on Thursday 27 June