TeamTalk 14th August 2023

Written on 11/08/2023
Mikeala McMahon

Pain Management Programme (PMP)

A new monthly PMP has been developed for patients in Croom Orthopaedic Hospital.  Patients can be referred by their GP.

This patient education programme takes place one day each month in the Pain Management Centre, at Croom Orthopaedic Hospital.

A PMP is a multidisciplinary approach for those experiencing ongoing or persistent pain.

It can help people to learn increased coping skills and provide strategies to manage the impact of pain on their lives.

Pictured are members of the team at the Pain Management Centre at Croom Orthopedic Hospital.

For further information, contact Fiona Irwin, CNS Pain Medicine and Roisin Hosie, CSP Pain Medicine on 


Cycle To Work Scheme 2023

The Scheme is now open to new applications, and will remain open until 29th September 2023*. 

The scheme limit has been updated:

  • €1,250 for normal bike
  • €1,500 for e-bike

 You can re-apply 4 years after your last application.

Submit your Application Form by post to Ms Nora Quain, HSE MW, HBS Payment Services Dept, 31-33 Catherine St, Limerick.

Contact Nora Quain on 061 483344 for more information.

*Subject to availability of resources


Free Eye tests and lenses for DSE Users

Display screen equipment (DSE) users are entitled to a free eye test. Display screen equipment includes PCs and visual displays.

You are deemed a DSE user if you:

•use DSE to carry out your work
•use DSE for long periods of more than one hour per day
•use DSE on a daily basis

If your eye test shows that you require particular lenses for DSE work, these are paid for by the HSE. This covers the cost of minimum-requirement frames and lenses.

The HSE is not liable for costs if you already wear glasses and need routine lenses that are adequate for DSE work.

More information available here


Follow us on LinkedIn

At UL Hospitals, we use LinkedIn, the online professional network, to talk to healthcare professionals including staff and to attract potential job seekers. We post job vacancies, company updates and share news on our people and our services.


Employee Assistance Programme (EAP)

EAP provides the following free confidential services:

•Consultation to managers on staff wellbeing and psychosocial issues
•Critical Incident Stress Management (CISM) Response- providing individual and group support
•Workshops on staff wellbeing issues


How to access this service

Employee self referral

Line Manager

Call 0818 327327 or 087 3558774

Complete the referral form (available on iHub) and submit to

 Contact Sheila Harmon is the Counsellor Therapist for EAP in the HSE Mid-West Region for queries, 087 9979467/


Healthy Ireland Plan 2023-2027 Launch

On Friday, 7th July 2023, Bernard Gloster, HSE CEO launched the Health Services Healthy Ireland Implementation Plan 2023 – 2027.

It sets out how the health service and partners will work to promote health and wellbeing to support people to live longer and healthier.

For more information:

•Watch a short video of the day

Pictured: Eimear Laffan, Healthy Ireland Lead UL Hospitals Group, Prof. Colette Cowan, CEO UL Hospitals Group, Sarah McCormack, HSE National Healthy Ireland Lead, Niamh Keating, Health Promotion Officer UL Hospitals Group.


UMHL Births by Gender

The total births by gender for the first eight months of 2022 & 2023:

  • 8.9% decrease in the total amount of births in 2023 compared to 2022
  • 5.8% decrease in females
  • 11.8% decrease in males



Infection Prevention and Control

All Healthcare workers are reminded that gloves should only be worn for specific tasks (see pyramid). Wearing gloves risks transferring germs from one surface to another and contaminating your hands when removing them.

Wearing gloves does not replace hand hygiene.

For more information:

 Contact the Infection Prevention & Control team if you have any queries on IPC in your area.


CEO Further Education Sponsorship

The CEO has generously agreed to support a total of 32 applications from across a number of staff disciplines to undertake 2023-2024 academic programmes

•18 Certificate in Management NFQ Level 6
•12 Diplomas, Degrees & Masters
•2 PHDs

The sponsorships are co-ordinated by the Learning & Development department at ULHG in conjunction with the relevant 3rd level institute. Contact for further information . 

“I am delighted to support the growing number of applications for academic programmes this year. Assisting staff in their continuing professional development is an essential element in staff retention and succession planning. It also ensures quality of service for our patients and service users. I wish all staff the very best of luck with their future studies” Prof. Colette Cowan CEO UL Hospitals Group


Mid Career Planning – ULHG.Achieve

A Mid Career Planning programme has been added to ULHG.Achieve for all staff to access.

Search ‘ULHG-Mid Career Planning’ on www.hseland.

Content was developed by Padraig Lynch, Learning Technologist with help from Pensions Management, Cornmarket Financial Services and Learning & Development. 

For further information contact

“The Mid Career Planning programme is designed for staff who are at the mid-career stage and who wish to take action to ensure a financially healthy retirement; and to gain a better understanding of the HSE superannuation scheme/single pension scheme.  We are grateful to all stakeholders who worked with us on the design of this programme” Ann Marie Kennedy, Learning & Development Manager



Sepsis Awareness Month

14th September

CERC Simulation Lab launch

14th September

Stroke Research Afternoon

19th September

Health & Wellbeing Conference