Training - Children First

Last updated on 01/04/2022

The 'An Introduction to Children First' e-learning programme is mandatory for all HSE staff (permanent, temporary, agency, locum or visiting), students and volunteers, irrespective of role or grade. All staff must complete this training every three years and provide their line manager with a copy of their certificate for file.  You can access information on Children First Training here.

Training for Mandated Persons Online Workshop

The Children First National Office has produced an online training workshop to support Mandated Persons with their role. The workshop is approximately three hours in duration. It is designed to support and inform Mandated Persons of their legal responsibilities to protect children from harm who they may come into contact with directly or indirectly through the course of their work.

A full list of professions that are identified as ‘Mandated Persons’ is available here.

HSE Children First Training on Recognising and Reporting Child Protection and Welfare Concerns

The HSE Children First National Office has an Interactive Workshop on Recognising and Reporting Child Protection and Welfare Concerns specifically for staff who are not Mandated Persons. This workshop aims to provide staff with a clear knowledge of their roles and responsibilities under Children First National Guidance and the HSE Child Protection and Welfare Policy. It also aims to support staff to increase their confidence in recognising child protection and welfare concerns and determining if a concern meets the reporting threshold of reasonable grounds for concern.

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