TeamTalk 06 February 2024

Written on 06/02/2024
Katrina Quinlan

HSE Mid West REO Staff Message 

View the first video message from our newly appointed HSE Mid West Regional Executive Officer, Ms Sandra Broderick.


In this video the REO speaks about working together to implement health and social care structures over the coming months & years ahead.


Recently the REO met with locally Elected Representatives who wanted to express their gratitude to all staff within the Mid West for continuing to meet the needs of our population during this period of sustained pressure.


Music Therapist Croom 

Ireland’s first and only music therapist to treat chronic pain graduates at Limerick University

Well done to Katie Fitzpatrick, our music therapist in the Pain Management Centre, Croom Orthopaedic Hospital.

Katie’s PhD research suggests that music and music therapy can contribute to improved quality of life for people living with chronic pain and helped her secure a full-time senior music therapy post with the Pain Management Centre in Croom Orthopaedic Hospital.

For more on this story click here



Be winter ready – severe weather plans

It is important to prepare for periods of severe weather so that our services are not compromised during the winter. The Be Winter Ready campaign helps us to prepare


Read more about severe weather alerts and actions to take depending on the status here

The severe weather planning (SWP) guidance document will help you plan for severe weather.

•Managers need to update existing severe weather plans and make sure all staff are aware of them
•Staff should familiarise themselves with these plans


ULHG Falls Policy

The new UL Hospitals Group Falls Policy (GLOB-CLIN-61) has now gone live on QPulse. This policy ensures that there is a standardised approach to falls management across the group.


Education For Staff

•TUH Falls Assessment & Prevention- Is available on HSELand for all disciplines of staff that have patient contact.

   Falls Policy Awareness Stand

•An awareness stand for the policy will take place on 21st February on OPD Corridor 10.30- 14.00. Staff are invited to engage and ask any questions they may have on the content of the new policy.



ICNET is the clinical surveillance software in use in ULHG since 2009.  It is the gold standard for accurate and ‘real time’ IPC information in the clinical setting and is accessible via iHub.

ICNET will now become the national IPC clinical surveillance software.


Reports from ICNET are used by nursing staff within clinical areas, bed management, the executive team and the IPC Team to assist with daily operations.


Sinead Conroy leads on training within the group.  800 staff received training in 2023.  Training in Q1 2024 will focus on ICU, ED, Nenagh and Ennis Hospitals.


For information, contact  061-727155


ULHG Staff App Available on Desktop 

Did you know that you can download the ULHG Staff App to your desktop ? Simply type the following address into your internet browser 

The app contains lots of information for staff under the following sections


•Training and Events
•Health and Wellbeing
•Human Resources
•Assisted Decision Making

If you have any queries, contact


Day Cases ULHG 2022 v 2023

See below Day Case numbers for UL Hospitals Group 2022 and 2023. 


In 2023 we saw a 14% increase compared to the same period in 2022.



ULHG Consultant Directory

Our Consultant Directory now has over 200 locum and permanent consultants listed. You can access it here:


It serves as a useful resource for our community, GPs and staff offering consultant admin details and bios where provided. Users can search by hospital or service.

To maintain accuracy, we review the information regularly.

Should you wish to update details or have any queries, please contact us at:


Lunch Event - Research in Nursing

The Health Research Institute (HRI) is delighted to host a lunch event on Thursday 8th Feb 2024 with a special focus on Research in Nursing

•Time: 12.30pm – 1.30pm
•Location: Clinical Research Support Unit , 3rd Floor CERC.


Health Literacy Clinic, 12 February

We are holding our first health literacy clinic of 2024 to help staff produce literacy friendly communications and make sure our patients receive information in a way that they understand.

Health Literacy Clinics Details:

When: Monday, 12 February 2024

Where: CERC, UHL Tutorial Room 7 

What time: 11am – 12pm


Health Literacy Useful Resources:

There are resources and a toolkit available to download here from ihub

If you are interested in attending, please contact us by emailing and let us know what you are working on.


The use of WhatsApp 

WhatsApp does not comply with the rules of the European GDPR and it is therefore inappropriate for sharing personal or clinical information. WhatsApp should only be used for general ‘housekeeping’ messaging.


•You may download WhatsApp to your HSE smartphone or device and use it for housekeeping messaging, audio or video call.
•Personal information relating to patients/staff should not be shared on WhatsApp with colleagues or third parties.
•Personal information held by the HSE may only be accessed by staff who need it to carry out their duties.


Information Governance Office –


Work is progressing to establish six health regions from 1 March 2024.


The Regional Executive Officers (REOs) for each of the six health regions have now been appointed. The REOs will manage health and social care services in their areas.

The REOs are:

Sandra Broderick, REO, HSE Mid West

Dr Andy Philips, REO, HSE South West

Tony Canavan, REO, HSE West and North West

Sara Long, REO, HSE Dublin and North East

Kate Killeen White, REO, HSE Dublin and Midlands

Martina Queally, REO, HSE Dublin and South East


Learn more about the six REOs and the progress of the Health Regions