Tobacco Free Campus Relaunch
We are updating our Tobacco Free Campus Policy and relaunching a Tobacco free hospital group on 14th February 2024
By de-normalising smoking at our hospitals and offering better support to those who smoke, we hope to achieve a cleaner, safer and healthier environment for our patients, staff and visitors.
To successfully achieve a Tobacco Free Campus we need your input and support. We will hold information & engagement sessions, surveys and promotion stands over the coming months and we encourage all staff to get involved.
For more information, contact Health Promotion and Improvement officer, UL Hospitals Group.
Health & Safety Awareness Week
UL Hospitals Group celebrated Health & Safety Awareness Week from the 23rd to 27th October. The theme this year was digital technologies.
The Health & Safety team visited each hospital site to show the importance of ergonomics at your workstation and the importance of the correct use of Display Screen Equipment (DSE).
If you work on a monitor/screen for more than one hour per day you can complete your DSE User Awareness training on HSeLanD.
A further module is available for Line Managers on HSeLanD called the DSE Assessor’s Module.
Multicultural Day UL Hospitals Group
On Wednesday 22nd November the UL Hospitals Group Health and Wellbeing team will host Multicultural Day at the Health and Wellbeing Centre UHL. The main emphasis of the event will revolve around exploring global cuisine.
Multicultural Day is a fantastic opportunity to celebrate the diverse culinary traditions within our group. We encourage all staff to take part and showcase their cultural heritage through food. There will be prizes on the day for best stall.
Whether you're interested in preparing a dish or simply sampling delicious treats from around the world, this event promises to be a true feast for the senses.
Be sure to save the date and get ready for an unforgettable multicultural food experience!
If you want to take part contact
Update IVANTI Profile Information
Keep your IVANTI details and contact information up to date, to do this:
Keeping your Profile up to date ensures:
*Note: Incorrect contact details can delay processing of your tickets or in some cases where the IT Engineer cannot make contact with you the ticket will be cancelled without action. It can lead to you being contacted on your personal mobiles causing frustration to you.
Our People, Our Services
To mark Breast Cancer Awareness month during October, Our People, Our Services, focused on the Breast Services team.
Dr Maire Lavelle, Noreen Murphy and Nichola McNamara shared insightful blogs on their roles. Prof Shona Tormey recorded A day in the Life video.
Thank you to all who participated!
On our social channels, check out hashtags #TeamULHG #OurPeopleOurServices to see more
In November, we will spotlight our ED service.
Our People, Our Services showcases our staff services across the group. Our People, Our Services allows us to show the faces of, and profile the people who help care for our patients either directly or indirectly reinforcing our values of care, compassion, trust and learning.
Message from HSE CCD Dr Colm Henry
Chief Clinical Officer Dr Colm Henry urges all healthcare workers to get their COVID-19 and flu vaccines.
Getting the vaccines can help to protect you, your family, your patients and your colleagues from serious illness.
Watch the full video here
Strategic Transformation Office
The Strategic Transformation Office (STO) has been established in UL Hospitals Group under the governance of Ms. Suzanne Dunne Chief of Strategy and Transformation.
The team consists of Ms. Bernie O’ Malley Interim General Manager and Ms. Mairead Ryan STO.
he key function of the STO is:
For more information contact the team on:
ED Presentations over 75 -2022 vs 2023
HSE Blended Working Policy
The HSE have circulated the HSE Blended Working Policy and Employee Relations have circulated a guidance document.
UL Hospitals Group HR Department has created a presentation to help guide you through the process and provide more clarity on how to apply for a blended working arrangement.
Online Q&A sessions will be provided by the Employee Relations Department. Dates will be circulated in the coming weeks.
Useful documentation:
- UL Hospitals Group Blended Working SOP (located on iHub)
- HSE Blended Working Policy
- Blended working application and declaration form
HSE Guidelines for Communicating Clearly using plain English
When we explain things clearly and with care and compassion, people have more confidence and trust in us.
The HSE Communicating Clearly Guidelines are designed to help staff produce work in a more literacy friendly way using plain English.
The guideline is designed to help us create scenarios where patients feel empowered to ask questions about their care.
A copy of the guidelines can be downloaded here.
Equality and Inclusion Conference
Registration is now open for this year’s Equality and Inclusion Conference on Wednesday the 8th November 2023 in the CERC, UHL.
All staff are welcome. register your interest to attend.
This year’s conference will focus on change, inclusivity and staff support against the backdrop of the HSE organisational reform and the development of Regional Health Areas.
**3 External CPD Points**
Visit the website to learn more on each speaker:
- Lisa McDaid
- Frank C Guy
- Dr Moran Anisman-Razin
MRCPI Clinical Exams in Medicine
MRCPI (Membership Royal College of Physicians Ireland) exams in Medicine were held on Friday 20th October in the CERC building.
Thank you to all examiners, nurses, invigilators, patients, actors, simulation senior technical officers and RCPI staff for collaborative efforts on the day.
UMHL Remembrance Service
University Maternity Hospital Limerick (UMHL) hosted its annual Remembrance Service at The Church of the Holy Rosary, Ennis Road, Limerick, on Sunday 5th November at 3pm.
This annual event is organised by the Bereavement and Support team at UMHL, and was led led by Fr Des McAuliffe.
This is a special annual occasion where we gather to remember those babies lost through ectopic pregnancy, miscarriage, stillbirth and neonatal death.
Read more here
8 Nov | Equality & Inclusion Conference |
16 Nov | International Men’s Day |
20 Nov | HR & Payroll Self Service Webinar |
22 Nov | Multicultural Day |
24 Nov | |
28 Nov | MECC Enhancing your skills workshop |