University Maternity Hospital Limerick 

I am writing to say how bowled over I was by the exceptional quality of care I received at UMHL from 8th to 11th January. Everyone of the midwives I encountered was kind, warm, respectful and extremely knowledgeable and professional. Despite being busy, they never made me feel that any request I made was unwelcome, even the most mundane, like filling my water bottle. They went out of their way to be helpful and reassuring. I'll never forget their kindness and care, which made my first days and nights with a newborn so much easier. 

Thank you so, so much - you're doing an amazing job.



OPD Prostate

Hi,  I attended the prostate clinic in uhl this morning. Two ladies Mary and( the other ladies  name escapes) me run this clinic. Noting how busy the dept is,

I found my experience supportive, helpful and was extremely efficient. There was flexibility with appointments beforehand and in the interaction I had with staff today was smooth, of course I had a positive outcome but if it were other than that I know that I would feel fully supported.

This includes pre visit phone support.

I want to convey my appreciation and gratitude for people who work so hard in caring for their patients and help make life a little easier for us. 

Thank you



Trauma Ward UHL 

I've been in the Trauma ward for the past 4 days .The treatment I have received has been excellent .All staff are so nice and helpful .A special thanks to Martin delivering our meals he is a gent and goes out of his way to ensure everyone is happy .I just wish ye could make A&E three times bigger for the safety of staff and patients



Nenagh Hospital 

I took an elderly relative to Nenagh Hospital for cataract removal. We were seen on time, no undue waiting. The staff were friendly, efficient while taking time to explain the procedure and reassure the patient. The parking is limited. The Breast Check was was taking a number of parking spaces putting further pressure on space. It was a very good experience for client and carer.
