All-Ireland Interprofessional Healthcare Challenge (AIPEC) 

The annual AIPEC is an interdisciplinary case-based learning opportunity for students. Students challenge each other and showcase how effective teamwork and collaboration between healthcare professionals helps achieve the best health outcome.

Health Sciences Academy, UL Faculty & School of Nursing & Midwifery held the UL internal heat this week. The winning team will be travelling to Queens University Belfast to represent UL in the AIPEC 2024 on 8 March.

Back row: UL Students Luke Howley, Mia Bannon, Natalia Cichy, Buki Adejomehin, Caroline Heffernan, Patient Advocate, Roisin Duffy, Bridget Harms, Anna Pastrevica, Miriam McCarthy, Health Sciences Academy Manager & Aileen Corrigan, Physiotherapy Practice Tutor. Front row:  UL Students: Nicole Manning, Rand Al-Ali, Ailbhe Noonan, Padraic Og Horan & Bruce Isik (virtually).


Major Emergency Plan

The updated Major Emergency Plan was signed off in February 2024 and is available to view on the iHub. Everybody has a role in a Major Emergency – make sure you are aware of your responsibilities.

Education and awareness sessions are being arranged as follows in the Cerc Auditorium:



Wednesday 20 March

11am -11.30am & 11.30am-12pm

Wednesday 27 March

11.30am-12pm & 12pm-12.30pm

It’s important that all staff engage with these sessions. This training is intended for staff with little or no knowledge of a major emergency.

For any queries contact Eoin Kennedy at


Staff 60km Cycle: 7 Weeks to go

The Health and Wellbeing Department along with UHL Sports and Social Club invite staff and friends to join them on a 60km cycle this Spring. A shorter route is also available.

The 60km route starts in UHL on to Patrickswell, stopping in Bruff for lunch and back to UHL.

Date/Time: 10am, Saturday 20 April

Registration: Register here or at 9am on the day

Fee: €20 (includes lunch, cycling jersey and charity contribution)

For more information or to volunteer to help on the day contact:


Check out the ULHG Staff App/ Health and Wellbeing section for more info.


Professional Pathways Roadshows

The Health Sciences Academy welcomes back the Professional Pathways Roadshows.

UL staff will be onsite to talk about part-time and micro -credential upskilling opportunities.



Hospital site

Tues 12 March



Wed 13 March



Thurs 14 March


St John’s

Tues 19 March



Wed 20 March



Thurs 21 March



Tues 26 March



Contact for more information.


National Healthcare Communications Programme

This Programme is designed to support healthcare staff to learn, develop and maintain their communication skills with patients, their families and with colleagues.

See dates and times below of upcoming courses open to all staff. For further information click here.


Course & time for all staff


19 March 2024

16 April 2024

14 May 2024

Making Connections 2:30pm - 4:30pm

UHL CERC building rooms 1&2

The NCHD app has many useful resources with good examples of communications skills.


Operation Transformation

The Health and Wellbeing Team facilitated a successful 6-week Operation Transformation programme, delivering weekly plans and support sessions.  Over 50 people took part, benefitting from guidance on healthy eating, exercise, and mental health.

The total weight loss for the group was 110lbs.

Well done to all who took part.

Pictured above: Staff participated in a 5k run/walk event on February 26th, marking the end of the 6-week program.


UMHL Births

The total number of births* in UMHL for 2023 was 3,938.

July was the busiest month for births with 354 babies born.

*The above shows the total number of all babies born during 2023, weighing 500g or more. The weight of 500g is an internationally recognised weight measurement for counting number of babies born. Source: BIU MDR Data 2023.


Reporting -  Missing Healthcare Records


A personal data breach means a breach of security leading to the accidental or unlawful destruction, loss, alteration, unauthorised disclosure of, or access to, personal data.

Information is only valuable if it can be accessed when it is required – this is particularly true for healthcare records.

If a patient’s healthcare record cannot be located staff must:

1.Notify the HCR department that the record is misplaced/lost
2.A follow-up search will be carried out by the HCR Dept
3.If the HCR cannot be located, the incident must be logged on QPulse as an incident/near miss
4.Report the incident to the Information Governance Office @ as a data breach


Medication Safety Nenagh Hospital

Nenagh Hospital achieved its medication incident reporting target for 6 of the 12 months in 2023. This is a national target and highlights the great work by staff in Nenagh Hospital in reporting medication incidents and near misses.

Reporting of medication incidents or near misses helps staff identify medication safety issues and opportunities for improvement. A higher rate of reporting is also indicative of a positive patient safety culture.


New PPPG Template

The revised “National Guide on How to Develop HSE Policies, Procedures, Protocols, and Guidelines: A Practical Guide” is now available. This new format should be used for all new PPPGs. 

A Word version is available from QPulse: ASSER-QI-5 PPPG Template. The revised framework will form part of the guidance during training.

Scan the QR code to view the revised template.

The next training sessions: 

Date: Monday 4 March 2024 and Tuesday 2 April 2024

Time: 12noon – 1pm

Location: CERC Tutorial Room 3

Contact for information and PPPG-related queries.


HSE 2024 National Service Plan

Minister for Health, Stephen Donnelly, has approved the 2024 National Service Plan (NSP) for the HSE. The NSP outlines the health and social care services we will provide nationwide within the allocated budget of €23.5 billion. This is a 4.6% increase on the 2023 budget.

Priorities for 2024:

•Improve access to urgent and emergency care
•Prioritise waiting lists
•Continue to enhance mental health and disability services
•Build on existing partnerships to develop and improve services

Read the HSE National Service Plan or visit the HSE website for more information.