SAFER – ULHG Achieve

SAFER is implemented across all inpatient wards to improve patient flow. A new online course has been created to learn more about SAFER. The course is available on ULHG Achieve in HSEland.

On completing the 10 minute module you will know:

•What the SAFER acronym stands for
•Effects of implementation and contribution to a better patient experience
•The links between SAFER and ‘Red To Green’
•How ‘Red to Green’ positively impacts patient experience and flow

A sincere thank you to Paudie Lynch Learning Technologist, Learning and Development Dept , Tina Fitzgerald GM, Urgent & Emergency Care Directorate and Ber Murphy DoN Peri Op Directorate for their work on this education piece. I encourage all staff to take this 10 minute module to gain a better understanding of patient flow Noreen Spillane Chief Operations Officer ULHG.


Framework for Safe Nurse Staffing and Skill Mix

Implementation of the Safer Staffing Framework is underway across our group. The framework has shown benefits for both patients and staff with its radical new approach to determining nurse staffing levels.  It is designed to put patient needs first and focus on delivering positive patient outcomes.


  • 13 wards and AMAU in UHL have seen a staffing increase, additional 58 staff nurses and 39 HCAs.
  • Remaining seven wards in UHL to be reviewed shortly.
  • TrendCare (IT system) introduced to embed the framework.
  • Funding approved for additional 21.5 staff nurses in ED
  • Wards in Ennis and Nenagh are being reviewed under Safer Staffing.

More information on Safer Staffing here


Staff Roadshow/Webinar Recording 

A series of communications roadshows recently took place across our hospital sites. A recording of the UHL roadshow was made for anyone who was unable to attend.  

The recording includes presentations from Noreen Spillane, Chief Operations Officer on the new Health Regions and the Urgent and Emergency Care Directorate.

Suzanne Dunne, Chief of Strategy & Transformation, spoke on the 2018-2022 Group Strategy achievements and Health & Wellbeing. 

The presentations were followed by a Q&A session.   You can watch a recording of the session here.

Please complete this short 2 min survey after you watch the Roadshow. Your feedback will help us improve future roadshows.


Croom Jersey Day


Our colleagues in Croom Orthopaedic Hospital held a jersey day on Friday 21st July, in eager anticipating the All Ireland Final.

The jersey day raised €138 for the Red Cross. Thank you to everyone who took part.


ULHG News 

Here are some of the ways we communicate with staff across our group. Managers are asked to share the various publications with their teams.

For more information or to share something with all staff contact


Injury Unit Attendances

Injury Unit attendances for the first seven months of 2022 & 2023.

There has been 1.96% increase in the total amount of Injury Unit attendances in 2023 in comparison to the previous year.


Open Disclosure Lunchtime Training 

On 2nd May 2023 The Patient Safety (Notifiable Incidents and Open Disclosure) Act 2023 was been signed into law by the president.

This legislation introduces the mandatory open disclosure of notifiable incidents by healthcare workers to service users.

Lunchtime Open Disclosure training is available for all Nursing and NCHD staff. It is essential that staff take the time to attend one of these sessions.

Training details:

Dates: 3rd, 10th, 17th, 24th & 31st August

Time: 1pm to 2.30pm (lunch will be provided)

Venue: CERC Auditorium

To book your place please contact:


Parliamentary Affairs Training: HSELand

Answering parliamentary questions (PQs) and representations (Reps) requires input from various departments. This service is managed by the Communications Department. The group are legally obliged to respond to PQs and Reps within strict timeframes. 

Answering PQs and Reps comprehensively and within timeframes helps us build good relationships elected representatives. We encourage staff involved in answering PQs/Reps to take the below course.


Parliamentary Affairs: A Working Guide for Staff is an eLearning module on HSELand which includes:

•Introduction to different aspects of parliamentary work
•Guidance for responding to queries
•Short exam

Takes 30 minutes to complete

The course can be accessed on HSELand by searching Parliamentary Affairs.


NAS MAU pathway St Johns Hospital

A pathway for 112/999 patients which is in place in Nenagh and Ennis Hospitals has now been expanded to include St. Johns Hospital. This pathway now allows treating paramedics to refer a stable medical patient, that meets the agreed clinical criteria to one of three MAUs across our group.

112/999 patients that do not meet these clinical criteria will continue to be transported to the ED for assessment and treatment.

This pathway results in patients receiving medical treatment in a hospital closer to their home, reduces patient presentations to ED and releases ambulances more quickly to respond to other emergency calls.

The Medical Assessment Unit in St Johns Hospital treats patients referred by GPs, ShannonDoc and now NAS paramedics.


Victorious Limerick hurlers pay visit to Children’s Ark at UHL

Victorious Limerick hurlers pay surprise visit to Children’s Ark at UHL. John Kiely, Cian Lynch, Tom Morrissey and Barry Nash delight patients, parents and staff with UHL visit.