Parking at UHL and Surrounding Areas
Parking in Residential Areas
It has been reported that several cars continue to park inappropriately around local housing estates . This is making access and use of the local streets more difficult for residents. We would ask staff to consider the impact this is having on our neighbours and to please park responsibly.
There is parking for staff at three off-site locations with a free shuttle bus from there to UHL. Please utilise this service. See updated bus timetable attached to this email.
Alzheimer’s Awareness Stand - UHL
September is World Alzheimer’s Awareness Month. The team in UHL will be hosting an Alzheimer's awareness stand on the OPD corridor UHL from 9am – 1 pm on Monday 23 September.
The theme this year is “Time to Acton Dementia, Time to Act on Alzheimer’s”. The global awareness-raising campaign aims to address the stigma and discrimination that are still associated with dementia, while also focusing on attitudes toward the condition and highlighting the constructive actions that governments and organizations around the world are taking to create a more dementia-friendly society. All are welcome and grab some information that can help your family, friends, and yourselves.
Learn about the growing number of supports available to people living with dementia - Alzheimer's disease - diagnosis -
World Lung Day
The Respiratory team will be hosting an information stand to celebrate World Lung Day Monday 23 September on the OPD corridor UHL from 10am-11.30am.
This year’s theme is Clean Air and Healthy lungs for All.
Visit the stand to learn more about clean air and lung health.
Doctors Careers Evening
All are welcome to come along to the annual careers evening with a host of expert colleagues providing one to one career discussions and information
Date: 10 Oct
Time: 5-7pm
Location: CERC UHL
See attached poster for more information.
Springboard+ Programmes
The application portal for Springboard+ programmes, other funded courses and micro-credentials at University of Limerick will open at 12 noon today.
Programme details and to how apply can be found in the links below.
Springboard+ programmes – All 90% funded for employees
Climate Adaption and Sustainability - (Professional Diploma)
Health and Safety (Professional Diploma)
Quality Management, Lean Systems (Professional Diploma)
Supply Chain Management (Professional Diploma) (Online)
HCI Learner Subsidy
Data Analytics - Professional Diploma - 80% funded
Transferable Skills - Professional Diploma - 50% funded
Funded Micro-Creds – 50%- 80% funded